Tuesday, August 28, 2012

#opwalkabout departing Wednesday (tomorrow)

Final Weekend in Boston before heading out to DC!

I spent some quality time out with #chalkupyboston on Sunday

I had a chance to close up shop here in Boston over the past few days, spending time with friends and getting all my stuff together. Here's a quick photo blog of the past couple days. 

If you get a chance get down to Copley Square on Sundays for #chalkupyboston.  These cats set up around the city, talk local issues, and chalk sidewalks! It's fun for the whole family! The four weeks I've been going down I spend most of my time teaching kids how to use sidewalk chalk, it's a grand ol' time.

Painting delivery in JP on Monday
Each of my hosts in JP received a section of this painting (pictured left) as a thank you for putting me up over the past month while I was preparing for this journey.  Special thanks to the folks near Forest Hills, I couldn't have gotten everything together for the walk and work, without a quiet place to stay.

I wish y'all the best and thanks very much for the amazing Sunday night dinners, and more Bill Maher than I ever care to overhear again.

Dropping weight from the pack pictured 40lbs.
Pre-packing in  after laundry in Brighton last night. Had to have a good hard think about what I do and don't need. I managed to drop 4 pounds out of the pack to fit an extra pair of shoes! 

Down to the bare essentials at this point, two pairs of pants, eight shirts, twenty pairs of socks, and a beastly medical kit. Surprisingly (considering the source) very little technology.  With just my smart phone for updates, and a recharger my technology weight is just under seven pounds.

Going from "I don't need that" to "I wish I didn't need that!"
Managed to get my pack weight down to 35lbs, looking to drop another five pounds, not really sure what to get rid of at this point. Now we come to the oh-jeez-I-may-wish-I-had-that-in-Providence syndrome.

Advanced apologies to anyone hosting me, you may want to hose me down in the yard before inviting me in!

1 comment:

  1. Wicked excited for you! I cant wait to read about what you are doing each day. A lot of people told me this before I left, "Be careful and take good care of yourself."
