Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lord of The Tuck


Ustreamer - GiveMeThatJuice captured what can only be referred to as "a visceral representation of the impact of American capitalism on the labor class"... Or "Jason" river-dancing his way to fame at the Chicago "#NoNATO" protests last month.  Decide for yourself, just what is "Lord of the Tuck"?

Lord of the Tuck

Sand Mines (Cashed Copy)

Sand Mines (Cached Copy) 

Sand Mines

Submitted by Steve Hanson on Wed, 04/25/2012 - 10:57am
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This is a map of the silica sand deposits in Wisconsin.  My farm and house are in the central part of the red blob covering the western part of the state. The photo below is of the closest sand mine to me, outside of Menomonie.  Imagine this part of the state covered with these.  Sand mining is suddenly a big concerin in Western Wisconsin, since proposed mines are cropping up at an alarming rate. Projections are that western Wisconsin will have over 100 frac sand mines in the next two years.

Black Bloc

Black bloc contextualized in political action

An attempt at placing Black Bloc in the greater theater of protest and political action.

A continuing goal of this blog is to take a look at all sides of political discourse from legislation to protest action.  In this article I hope to explore the use of black bloc as a tactic. As well as (hopefully) provide context for where it sits in the greater scheme of protest and political action. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Mass. Department of Corrections Master Plan: 2020 Projections

Mass. Department of Corrections Master Plan: 2020 Projections

Massachusetts Department of Corrections Master Plan: 2020 projections.

Introduction to Executive Summary:

       "As a strategic capital plan, this Corrections Master Plan (CMP) has focused on the system as a whole in order to identify the most cost-effective approach to investing capital dollars in the Massachusetts Correctional System. This comprehensive approach provides a framework to meet the projected bedspace needs into 2020, address current overcrowding, and create a better coordinated system that is both efficient and cost-effective. Application of a new Standards–based capacity (CMP Baseline Capacity)  indicates that the system housing 2009 populations has a current shortfall of approximately [over 9000] bedspaces, before considering growth in populations. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips for the blogger.

The application of SEO in blogging for the cottage industry and citizens journalism.

Largely, (please feel free to comment if you have a differing view) citizens journalism and sales is apples and apples of a different flavor. In both cases, folks are seeking to get their message to the fore, with some "product" or another. If the sale is a view, or results in a dollar you can say that your goal has been met, at least from a web marketing perspective. 

Meetup on the Boston Common Weekdays

This is a "bandstand". Location: Boston Common.

Boston Common Bandstand Meetup: Weekdays 6:30PM - 7:30PM

(SUSPENDED for the time being)

Howdy folks! I'll be at the bandstand on the Boston Common from 6:30PM to 7:30PM all week if folks want to come down and talk about ways to get directly involved in community outreach and charitable action. 

Via Mass Bytes - Kc's Birthday Dinner

Via Mass Bytes -  Kc's Birthday Dinner

Dewey from The Luxury likes ham
I swiped this blog post from Sarah Sparks over at Mass Bytes, she was kind enough to write about the birthday dinner I cooked a few weeks ago.  Thanks much miss Sparks for your kind words, I truly appreciate them. Yes. I will cook for you anytime. Check out Mass Bytes for the full post, and be sure to keep your peepers on MB for local Boston foody updates!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Everything I'm wrong about (so far)

Everything I'm wrong about... so far. (There's bound to me more). 

Who WOULDN'T tweet about that?

Let's begin with the obvious, I can't lay the blame at anyone's feet but my own.  I totally called the wrong date on the anti-foreclosure law rally today.  Everything was yesterday, I didn't pay attention to what was going on and I jumped the gun. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a dude standing alone with a sign.

Before getting into this any further, I feel it is necessary to let you know, I'm wrong. Alot. Like a really lot. That's kind of another reason (I'm finding) why I'm taking part in this zany process.  I won't hide the fact that I'm wrong, as a matter of fact, I'll probably do something like this.   

Anti-Foreclosure Law Rally on the Statehouse Steps 6/6/2012

Rally on the Statehouse Steps 

Vida Urbana (City Life) (correction asks that you rally on the Massachusetts Statehouse Steps at 1 Ashburton Place today at 3:00PM EST to fight the early vote on a non-inclusive anti-foreclosure law.

UPDATE: Rally was scheduled "through the afternoon" today. The 3PM - 6PM time frame was for yesterday. 

This morning at 2:30AM EST members of Occupy Boston and Vida Urbana (City Life)  have "occupied" the Massachusetts Statehouse steps in order to "fight for a real anti-foreclosure law that doesn't let big banks off the hook"  The official rally pops off at 3:00PM EST and will convene again at 6:00PM EST.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


#Fracking (Links)

How Hydraulic Fracture mining works or "Fracking":

"What is Fracking" in partnership with: Sierra Club, Buckeye Forest Council, National Wildlife Federation, Environment Ohio, Center for Health, Environment & Justice

"Hydraulic Fracturing Facts" (copyright Chesapeake Energy Corporation)  (all Chesapeake Energy Corporation links are currently unavailable HTTP error 503)

Monday, June 4, 2012



Let's try to keep spin out of this hmmm?  I'd really like to hear both sides of the argument for and against #anonbloc.  I've compiled what information I could find here, please hit me up with any other info you can find.  The action is already running, but I think it's important to continue the dialogue in a public fashion.

TOTAL #mgmgtfag :p

See updates at the bottom of the page.
Check out and participate in the #anonbloc discussion on twitter

Band Stand Meetup (Boston Common)

Howdy folks! I'll be at the bandstand on the Boston Common from 6:30PM to 7:30PM all week if folks want to come down and talk about ways to get directly involved in community outreach and charitable action. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What's this "we" crap? (A personal note on protest)

Previous posts to the contrary, I'd hardly consider myself a "protester". Largely I don't have the time to participate in marches and mass actions. On one end if I cover protest and political action as a "member of the media", it presents a conflict of interest.  On the other end if I actively participate in said actions, I run the risk of compromising my professional objectivity.

Pollinate: Money and NPOs

Before getting into the "hows" of raising money for charity, it's important to cover the legal side of things.  Depending on the charity you are raising money for, there may be restrictions with how funds are raised, and how to account for those funds.  Figure out the charity you are interested in working with and contact them before moving forward with any planning.

News Spotting: 6/3/2012

News spotting! Here's a rundown of news spotted today, June 3rd 2012. (Links)

The Evolving Mission of My Walkabout

Over the past month, I've had to put a lot of thought into my motivation for this walk.  
Explaining myself several times a week to friends, coworkers, and strangers has honed (and altered) my response. I'm walking from Boston to Washington D.C. for several reasons. Without getting too into the politics of it, there is a pretty severe disconnect between state and federal legislation.  

As we've seen with "hot button" issues like abortion and cannabis reform, the federal government has a habit of stepping in when it suites, violating any tacit agreements between state and federal government or implied sovereignty of state legislation.  That being said, there's also a pretty severe disconnect on the end of the American public.

Keep on keepin' on

Well shit, it's been a while. Work work work work work, life interrupts. Besides the usual tomfoolery on twitter, I've been researching up and coming legislation nationally, as well as gathering information on upcoming changes in voter registration laws.