Saturday, April 7, 2012

603 CMR: Big Money NPO Pushes Legislation in Massachusetts Public Schools


603 CMR "Stand for Children" or "Educators Evaluation" ballot question initiative

"An Act to Promoting Excellence in Schools"
-Submitted to Attorney General 11/20/2011

-Deadline for petition: May 2012
-Deadline for revision: July 12, 2012

Events! Week of 4.8 - 4.15

Here's the rundown on some events that are going down in Boston this week, you can meet, greet, and get involved! (check links for resources on more) 

Occupy Boston Action Assembly 4/8/2012 2:00PM

Ashburton Park
Massachusetts State House (Camp Charlie)
24 Beacon St.
Boston, MA

       "Sunday, April 8, at 2pm at Camp Charlie, in front of the Occupied State House, Occupy Boston will hold a mock hearing on the MBTA.  Bring/wear a suit or a reason why they should put the fares back … and a loud voice.  After, we’re planning a “Back to the Future” event where we’ll try to remember what life was when we had trains."

From the Sideline... #OccupyMBTA requests we sign in to protest.

Not going to write about 603 CMR, instead I'm going to be Emo about #OccupyMBTA

I'd geared up, leaving the house early tonight at 9:30PM instead of 11:00PM like I normally would for my overnight shift working marketing. I walked up Comm. Ave through Kenmore on a usual route to Commonwealth Mall.  It was nearing the midnight hour when I hit the  now Occupy MBTA Beacon Hill encampment/ protest, Camp Charlie.

As usual, when I got to the camp, I was out of breath, the walk up Beacon St. from Charles kills me every time.  I was stoked to see an opening on the steps, foot and back sore I took a seat.  Maybe get a chance to talk to some cats that wouldn't sweat my crazy idea to walk to Washington.  Posting up on the steps, chatting with a fellow by the name of John and coming to a brief understanding on context with a nod to past experiences at Dewey.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Why Walkabout? On "An UNGregular Afternoon" on UNregular Radio

Yesterday in the midst of assisting in booking bands for the National Lawyers Guild Gala, UNregular Radio's own Greg Runge asked me to hop on the air to talk about #opwalkabout.

Tuesdays and Thursdays 2PM to 5PM you can catch drive time battle rap, talk, and god only knows what else on An UNGregular Afternoon with host Greg Runge.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Hammer Comes Down Twice in Oakland

Founder & correspondent from FreeMassMedia Niki Smokes, has a lot to say about cannabis reform.  With Monday's raids on high profile cannabis dispensaries and reports of shootings up the street from the raids. I wanted to hear what this seasoned activist had to say.

"It has now become very clear that our Federal Tax Dollars are not being used in the interest of public safety. The suspect in the Oikos University Shooting, One L. Goh was heavily in debt with Federal Tax Liens and on top of that he sustained numerous family deaths.  One death stands out, his brother, U.S. Army Sgt. Su Wan Ko, died in a car crash last year while engaged in a special forces training mission.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Smoke Over The Bay: A Sign of Things to Come?

UNregular Radio News: 4.3.2012 

Smoke Over The Bay: A Sign of Things to Come? 

By: KC Hoye

Picture Swiped from The LA Times
The Oakland campus of Oaksterdam University was closed by U.S. Marshals Monday morning, after a raid by agents representing the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. 

The joint DEA and IRS group cited sealed authority to take it to the next level, by raiding Prop 19 backer and Oaksterdam U founder Richard Lee's home as well and "detained him briefly" - AP.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Events Update week of 4/2/2012 - 4/7/2012

Occupy Boston Open House: 4/2/2012 5:30PM
St. Paul's Cathedral
138 Tremont st.
Boston, Massachusetts
"Let Occupy Boston introduce ourselves to you. Join us and find out what our working groups are involved with, what their direction is and what actions are planned. Come find your place within the movement!"

Occupy Boston General Assembly: 4/3/2012 7:00PM
Arlington St. Church
351 Boylston Street
(Corner of Arlington and Boylston) 

My UNexpected Return to Occupy Boston

I'd beat feet towards Dewey, the plan was to kill some time wiling away the miles maybe making Castle Island before the rain really started.  I'd completely forgotten that Occupy Boston had something in the works. "Ships in the night" text messages with  "Occu-observer" UNGregular himself aside, I'm a flake and had forgotten about the march earlier in the day.  (At last word, a couple of cats had been arrested, and bail is being made?)