Saturday, June 23, 2012

Stroller Brigade for Safe Chemicals III, 7/31/2012

Stroller Brigade for Safe Chemicals III, 7/31/2012

Stroller Brigade for Safe Chemcials 

Please join Clean Water Action and the Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow at noon on June 28th in Boston for a "Stroller Brigade" for Safe Chemicals to ask Massachusetts Senators to be our heroes and protect our health from toxic chemicals. 



Event highlights and weekly rundown brought to you from the Statehouse News Service.  

Even if you cant afford the subscription, the weekly digest is pretty handy.


"The News Service is located in Room 458 of the State House.  We are an independent, privately owned wire service covering  Massachusetts government in depth.   Our staff of six tries to serve as a primary source of information on legislation, issues and background, in additional to producing traditional news copy.  Subscribers put us to a wide variety of uses - from tracking one specific bill or issue, to keeping tabs on the general flow of State House politics.  Most subscribers do both - keep up with the big picture while following the progress of their items of special interest." Statehouse News Service

State House News Service - Room 458 State House Boston MA 02133 - 617-722-2439

Friday, June 22, 2012

Why Walkabout? Archive: V.1

#opwalkabout explained after a fashion...

Second Row from the front second in from the left.
"Dear Family and Friends and Folks,
I just wanted to let you know that everything is going well here in Boston. "

I moved from Eagle Point, OR to Boston, MA on August 27th 2002 (correct me if I'm wrong Mom).  My parents co-signed my student loans and off I went, although it's never as simple as that.

"Since I started working here, I've been given opportunities to learn about (and hopefully eventually work with) non-profit organizations that blockade foreclosed homes, rehabilitating disabled/ homeless veterans, and working with inner city children."

Technology and Direct Democracy

TONIGHT: Technology & Direct Democracy


Friday June 22 7pm-9pm at E5 (5th floor, 33 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA)
Facilitated by OBIT and Jeremy Stark

OBIT is proud to present a consensus building tool focused on accessing direct democracy and using technology to influence political outcomes at the state and federal levels.

International BIO Convention; A Week in Review

One week later: Personal Reflection on the International BIO Convention protests. 


Ellen, Joan, Eden and Joe pose infront of Roundup Dewey Sq. Boston
Another World is Popsicle

Seven days after receiving the flyer for the NOFA BIO convention protest; I'm sunburned, tired and little sad, but hopeful. 


Free School University put me on the International BIO Convention tip after working with them on the rundown on the arrest of State Rep. Liz Malia and several protesters. The arrests occurred at the City Live/ Vida Urbana Eviction Blockade last week. I had no reservations about hitting up the Common last Saturday to discuss last minute media campaign strategy with Ellen Fine of the LEAH Collective, Eden Gardner of Free School University/ Occupy Boston, a Selectman, and a smattering of folks that weren't at the March Against Austerity.

For the photo blog check Occupy Monsanto, special thanks to Andrea Runkel for coming all the way from New Hampshire to take photos!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

'Closed Door Reception' 5:00PM - 7:00PM Massachusetts Statehouse

Hank Paulson at Closed Door 'Reception' 5:00PM - 7:00PM with MA state legislators? We protest at the statehouse starting 4:30PM. 'Banks got bailed out we got sold out'


"The architect of our demise" Hank Paulson is the keynote speaker at today's luncheon for the International BIO convention.  Little known fact, key sponsors of BIO 2012 will be meeting at the statehouse from 5:00PM - 7:00PM with members of MA state legislature Paulson is rumored to be in attendance. 

Whywalkabout, LEAH Advocacy Group, and members of Occupy Boston will be at the Massachusetts Statehouse to protest the use of our public buildings for closed door meetings between the legislature and big money sponsors. 

We are gathering at the Civil Memorial statue across from the statehouse steps at 4:30PM to form our "welcoming party". 

Photo Blog: Occupy Monsanto, NOFA, LEAH Collective, and more at the BCEC 6/18/2012

NOFA, Occupy Monsanto, Occupy Boston, Occupy New Hampshire, and The LEAH Collective gathered at the BCEC yesterday to protest GMO's and pesticides in our food supply.

Protesters picketed, shouted, cursed and sang their way through the morning, as convention goers filed into the BCEC. 

Occupy Monsanto provided a sound system that was quickly rejected by BCEC security and Boston Police.  Organizers from Occupy Monsanto and Ellen Fine of the LEAH collective along with members of Free School University spearheaded handing out information on organic gardening, and contact points for finding out the dangers of GMO's and the fight for GMO labeling. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Photo Blog: City Life/ Vida Urbana Eviction Blockade JP 6/14/2012

Photo Blog: JP Eviction Blockade 6/14/2012

Activists from City Life Vida Urbana, Occupy Boston, and a MA State Representative blockaded a JP home on Thursday 6/14/2012 in hopes of negotiating foreclosure.  Things didn't turn out quite the way folks expected, when MA State Rep. Liz Malia was arrested for participating in the blockade along with five others. 

(All photos by Rita Sebastian)

JP Police District E-13 gear up for City Life / Vida Urbana Eviction Blockade
JP Police District E-13 gear up for City Life / Vida Urbana Eviction Blockade


BOSTON, Mass JUNE 17, 2012

Local and national activists host Sidewalk Sessions while the 1% discusses industry strategies that compromise our biological heritage at the International BIO Convention: The Global Event for Biotechnology, June 18-21, 2012.